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Jamie Dooley RDH, Life Coach, Expansion Group for Women, NNHH

Bring Any Vision to Life

Aug 17, 2024

Heart-based hygienist, coach, and healer shares her powerful quantum formula to clear limiting beliefs and accomplish the impossible

On my last day of dental hygiene school in 1997, I got a vision. It was as if I was transported in time to a future that was so ethereal I could not fully grasp it, but what I received was a knowing that registered dental hygienists would be an important part of medicine, working in hospitals and healthcare systems someday. I did not understand what I was seeing because it had to do with social media, which was not a thing yet…so I did not have any context for it.

I was standing with our director at the time, and she said “How lovely that would be Jamie, let’s hope so.”

Back then I thought maybe I would be working alongside nurses and physicians some day…but leading the shift??? No way….not little old “me.”

Isn’t it funny how our ego plays tricks on us…criticizing, and minimizing our abilities to keep us small, safe, separate, the same, and “special” when we are, at our core, none of those things.

  • We are HUGE when we learn to manage our quantum fields and connect with each other
  • We are so POWERFUL that we could never actually be unsafe
  • We are so CONNECTED that we can now communicate with each other through little cordless devices we carry with us
  • We are constantly growing, changing and EXPANDING at a rate never before seen in human history
  • We are EQUAL…not better than others, or less than others

Exactly 20 years later, in 2017 I was back at my Alma Mater, Ferris State University, often standing in that very same room (yep...that was the future version of me I had tapped into on my last day of hygiene school) and had just been tasked with integrating oral health into our largest healthcare system as part of a HRSA grant. I was elated yet overwhelmed at where to begin. I worked hard for 2 years, inspired a few students to go into public health and be more integration-minded, and together we helped a handful of people who desperately needed it. It was only a raindrop in the ocean, but I began to grasp what the actual problems were.

Since I also read energy and can sense stuck emotions, I knew the patients we were seeing were not long for this world, and that their unaddressed oral health was the main driver of the mortality bus they were on. The system had failed them so I held a vision in my WIDE OPEN (COHERENT) HEART that I would do what I could to make changes to the system...I did not worry about how or what, and that is the fuel required for quantum change.

As grant-funded positions don’t last long, my role ended a year later and I meditated on my next steps. I had a very successful coaching practice but yearned to integrate more emotional and energetic healing into the sessions I ran (that came later). I felt drawn to help out with the integration of oral health into overall health but did not feel called to do so clinically as an RDH.

Six or so months went by and I got my “orders” via my higher self who I’ve named Michelle (I talk about all of us having a higher self in my book Self-Coaching Mastery), and she told me that I was to start a nonprofit organization called National Network of Healthcare Hygienists.  Luckily, my sister Lisa is also a gifted coach and healer, so I asked her for a coaching session to help me manage the imposter syndrome I was feeling, and go into the future (we call it the Timeline Exercise) and get clarity about what I was to do next. When we were done, I could not wait to file the 501c3 paperwork.

I saw myself not just starting the organization, but achieving a huge first...holding that very piece of paper in the photo!

I began to ask my network of heart-based hygienists to join our board of directors and share their knowledge and specialty expertise with other hygienists. I had coached some of them and were friends with others. Many of them had come to me with imposter syndrome or stuck emotions just like I had and were now speaking and sharing their mission with grace. I knew other hygienists were dealing with the same and that a comprehensive course with a capstone project and final assessment would provide the confidence they needed.

And the Oral Systemic Educator Certificate Program was born. Our students were raving.

I cannot tell you how many times I experienced set backs and difficulty learning how to develop our website, and learning management platform thinking “this is pointless….who I am to think I can lead this big shift?” But that is expansion. If you are not uncomfortable, you are not growing. And if you are not growing, you are stuck.

I experienced that feeling again MANY times over the next 5 years while creating an Oncology Certificate Program for RDHs and applying for ANSI accreditation for both programs (a huge first in all of dentistry), and I’ve coached hundreds of hygienists and highly sensitive achievement-driven women through the same. If not me, then who? When we say "someone should..." that someone is us.

If you are like me, you have always been sensitive to other’s emotions and energy to the point it can be completely overwhelming (shadow feminine). So at some point, probably in your teen years, you busied yourself to take the edge off of feeling so much, so deeply, as a solution and tipped your scale toward shadow masculine energy (busyism). Then there are others (like my sister) who can get lost in shadow feminine energy...sitting, thinking, and feeling...not knowing where to start. We don’t do it consciously. It’s more a form of survival, and the field of helping professions is rampant with it.

The more we achieve the more we expect from ourselves and everyone else, often causing a deep dissatisfaction with life that flies under the radar. In 2022 I canceled my personal social media profiles because comparisons and messages of "not enoughness" were stopping me from carrying out the mission God sent me to do. I also stopped going to conferences as they were too draining for the state I was in. I spent the past two years alone, balancing aligned doing (divine masculine) and aligned being (divine feminine) and now have a deep sense of purpose, peace and satisfaction.

By doing less, with more focused alignment and intention, I've been able to create an entire new level of continuing education (ANSI accredited certificate programs) that will formalize specialization in dental hygiene over time. By taking really good care of myself, I've been able to contribute to the whole in a larger, more fulfilling way.

We busy ourselves serving others as a distraction from how dissatisfied we are with ourselves at greater and greater levels until our cups are completely dry. Luckily, overwhelm (over-feeling or over-doing) contains the seeds of peace within it.

There is one simple trick to get yourself out of stuckness, into the frequency of already having what you desire now, to the point you no longer need it to be ok. AKA....peace with what is. love with the present moment. When you live in that state, all of your heart's desires flow to you as a result of the "Law of Resonance." It's manifestation on steroids.

We (Lisa and I) call it ADOR’EM:

  • ALLOW (your heart to open)
  • DETACH (from judgment)
  • OBSERVE (others as a mirror)
  • REVERSE (your focus)
  • EXPAND (your field)
  • MODEL (to inspire others)

Learning to hold space for duality, without judging either side, helps you walk straight through the middle of life’s challenges, setbacks, and even traumas, to the next higher vibration. And when your heart is wide open, your intuition is too. It opens a channel to the other side, collapses time and space, and provides you with a sense of knowing that is not possible when we are in self-protect mode. 

When you feel any of the emotions on the right, your autonomic nervous system has shifted your body into "fight, flight, freeze or fawn" mode (stress), which has been proven to contribute to poor mental and physical health. Because of the Law of Resonance, you cannot attract anything other than the state you are in.

When your heart is wide open (you cannot be a little bit pregnant and your heart cannot be a little bit open), you experience the emotions on the left side of the photo, and you shift into "rest, digest, heal" mode. It is called heart coherence and it is required to heal yourself mentally, emotionally and physically, and achieve anything of value or meaning in your life.

The more time you spend in heart coherence, the bigger your visions get for the good of the whole....because you already have everything you could ever need.

ADOR’EM is the formula for quantum expansion in a nutshell.

Lisa and I developed it in 2021 after running a private coaching program called Lifting the Veil with women. They were getting massive, rapid transformation in as little as 6 weeks, and we spent hours on the phone looking at patterns and noticing similarities.

To test it, we began practicing it in our own lives. The changes we felt in our hearts, the somatic release happening in our fields, and the impact we began having on our family members were astonishing. I had the extra energy to finally remodel my home (I share that visualization & process in this blog). Lisa and I then beta tested it with women all over the world in our 7 Day Nervous System Reset.

We found women didn’t need to read a book, go to therapy, or practice yoga or meditation daily for years. We did not have to do breathwork or go to healers.

We were all self-coaching our way to our next level of expansion all on our own.

Why do I share this today, while announcing this huge dental hygiene professional accomplishment???

Because without this personal tool, I would not have been able to achieve such a great, first of it's kind, professional achievement that will benefit hundreds of thousands of hygienists over time.

What could you accomplish if your "cup runneth over?" Your heart holds the keys.


Jamie Dooley is an award-winning international Master Coach, Heart Activator, Spiritual Teacher, and Program Developer. She is the founder of Expansion Group for Women and the National Network of Healthcare Hygienists, and is the author of Self-Coaching Mastery: Win the War Within. Jamie has been a trusted private coach and guide for the past decade and now enjoys teaching the powerful modality she created with her sister Lisa inside their Quantum Expansion Academy & SisterCoach Collective. She reminds us that if we are brave enough to be still and drop into our hearts, all of our answers are there, and as we heal ourselves there is no greater joy in life than sharing what we learn with others. Connect with her at [email protected] 



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