
Open Hearted Self-Assessment

Your heart is the very center of your energetic and physical bodies. It's the gateway between the states of subconscious surviving (contraction), or consciously creating (expansion). Your autonomic nervous system wires a pattern between your heart and brain each time you experience emotional pain, and unless you reprogram it, you will continue to unconsciously limit the amount of love, joy, and abundance in your life.

You cannot be a little pregnant, and your heart can't be a little open. You are either in a state of expansion or contraction. 

Find out how open your heart is on an average day. Even highly spiritual people are surprised with their results! Knowledge is power.

Click the button below to find out how OPEN your heart is on an average day


Question 1 of 11

On an average day, how much negative or overwhelming mind chatter do you have?




Some, but I am able to ingnore it and take action toward my dreams anyway


Some, and it does limit my actions


A ton, and I don't know how to get it to slow down or stop

Question 2 of 11

How clear is your sense of purpose? (you know what you were put on this earth to do)


Crystal clear and I am already living it and enjoying it


Pretty clear, but I'm not really living it yet


Sometimes I think I know, but then I second guess myself or wonder how I'll make money


I have no idea

Question 3 of 11

When it comes to your purpose, or ideal life, how easy is it for you to know what to do next?


I don't worry about where to start, I just start.


I get aligned within and the next step shows up. I can take action easily without fear.


When I work with a coach and they help me decide or tell me what to do I can usually do it.


I often feel lost and need someone else's "A-Z" approach to follow.


It's not easy at all. I often still struggle with where to start when wanting to make a change or learn something new.

Question 4 of 11

On an average day, how much energy do you have to do the things you want to do?


Tons of energy because I am living a life fully aligned with my purpose and I love it


Moderate energy, but I know how to tap into Universal Love when I need a boost


I do well working for and pleasing others, but rarely accomplish what I desire for me (or don't really set those types of goals)


Little. I am often tired, overwhelmed with my to do list, or in pain.


I have an illness that prevents me from living fully

Question 5 of 11

Do you carve out time to sit still, meditate, journal, or be in nature so that you are fully rested and recharged daily?


Yes, I know it renews me, and it is part of my routine


Yes, but I only do so when I feel my cup has run dry (not daily)


No, I don't really have time or see the value in it


I spend a lot of free time on my phone, or ipad--that's my version or rest or stillness

Question 6 of 11

On an average day, how do you view other people?


As blessings in my life who I love to pour into, as long as my own cup is full


I tend to over give; I am often helping people even when my own tank may be dry


I am easily annoyed, and wonder why people are the way they are


I look for those who can assist me in reaching my dreams


If they aren't paying me or helping me, they are useless

Question 7 of 11

How often do you notice that your open heart has an influence on others? (they will act as their highest selves when around you, and often do what pleases you without you asking)




I think I know what you are talking about and it has happened, but I don't know how to remove triggers and resistance to the point that it becomes my default way of living


I don't believe I can have an affect on others like that. Most people disappoint me.



Question 8 of 11


How did you find The Expansion Group for Women? (Home of: The Expansion Method TM & Certified Expansion Coach TM Training)


Facebook Ad


Internet Search


Facebook Group


YouTube Video


Someone referred me or told me about you

Question 9 of 11

Would you be interested in learning more about:

(Select all that apply)

The Expansion Method TM: A fully online, self-paced course that helps you release old triggers and patterns that subconsciously close your heart, preventing you from living at the higher vibrations available to you (which allow all you've placed in your field to flow in)


Certified Expansion Coach TM Training & Sister Coach Community TM: Learn a powerful new method that will help you have such a MASSIVE, RAPID IMPACT on your clients lives, that you can start or grow a coaching practice with EASE, PLUS give and receive on-demand, peer to peer coaching with other high-vibe women without fees FOR LIFE (non coaches and healers are welcome!)


Lifting the Veil: A rare 2:1 private coaching program with our Master Coaches, sisters Jamie Dooley & Lisa Freitag


I would love to learn more but I am struggling with such negative thoughts and beliefs right now that I don't feel investing in myself with personal development will actually work

Question 10 of 11

We have a goal of giving away $1 Million worth of Expansion Coaching to women all over the globe. We know it's the best way to show women what an open heart FEELS like. Would you like to experience the power of an Expansion Coach Session yourself?  If so, fill out this request form:

Question 11 of 11

Congratulations for taking a moment out of your busy day to check in with your heart. It's an important first step to reprogramming it for effortless expansion in all areas of your life. You will see your results when you hit submit.

Confirm and Submit